Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sleep? What's that?

I'm on three hours of sleep right now. Works been fun.

So, I work a lot on the weekends. I don't always have the time to do everything I need, like sleep or homework. This time I sacrificed sleep and got neither done. Needless to say I'm now really tired and doing the last of my homework completely delirious. 

But isn't this pretty! This is what my mornings look like at 6:30am

It's been snowing up here non-stop for a few days now, so every time I go to work snow has lightly dusted the ground. What my camera doesn't show is it was in fact snowing. I kept instinctively squinting my eyes while I was walking to keep the snow out, but there was hardly enough falling for reason. This photo was Saturday.

Today on my way to work I ran across a new building on campus.

Yup. It's an igloo.

But like I said before, I'm on very little sleep right now. I've been consuming massive amounts of caffeine in the shapes of Earl Grey teas, espresso and iced mixtures of the two. I smell like coffee and taste like tea. I probably look like I died a few days ago though. I've also had this song stuck in my head since 6am this morning.

I wish I was kidding. 

It's catchy isn't it? I know because it's been on repeat in my head for the past 10 hours. I've been humming it too. 

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