Sunday, February 24, 2013

Coffee Migraines

So, I don't know why, but tonight one cup of coffee from my own Keurig machine was enough to spin me around a baseball bat and then smash me with it. What I'm trying to say is my head hurts and I'm very nauseous right now.  
No, I didn't drink this much today. But I have in the past. 

Though, while I am on the topic of coffee, I'd like to talk about what it means to me. Or rather what having a job means to me.

In a nutshell. 

Having a job has proved to me extremely helpful with so many degrees of my life in college. I work at a coffee shop on campus, which means I get plenty of coffee, exposure to the entire college population, and writing material. Money is a no brainer, it's nice, it helps pay rent. But what I really love about my job are my co-workers and my customers.

 I don't know how this happened, but almost all of us (employees) bonded and are good friends. I'd credit our bonding to long, but slow hours and telling stories to help pass the time. Don't get me wrong, we do get our rushes of students, but sometimes not a soul walks through those doors. And when the store is dead, we chat and talk and laugh and clean the store. It's the first job I've had that I'm extremely happy with and look forward to working at.  

I also love making drinks that have foam.

And secondly, the exposure to people is almost overwhelming. I see a two-three hundred+ different people all day everyday (except weekends, that's the slowest). What's nice is I'm almost always on register too, this means I get to talk with the customer, help them out and briefly chat about their day. And I love it, absolutely love it. I'm a people person, I like people, and when I can talk to an even hundred people a day, my quota for interaction with people is spilling out the top. There's the regulars, they're nice to talk to, or the parents looking for a building on campus and they're nice to help out and then there's that time when the stores dead and there's that one customer and you talk with them far past an order or two. I make an effort to always be polite and when someone appreciates it I feel better and work better. 

I'd like to take this time to also point out that, if I'm asked to do something, I'll forgo the conversation to do it. I am a good worker. I also have the highest returning customer rating and I'm the most talked about employee on the internet. 

Needless to say, I work at a coffee shop and I love it. 

  Though this was cool, especially for being coffee.      

(all photos on this page have been taken by me)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sleep? What's that?

I'm on three hours of sleep right now. Works been fun.

So, I work a lot on the weekends. I don't always have the time to do everything I need, like sleep or homework. This time I sacrificed sleep and got neither done. Needless to say I'm now really tired and doing the last of my homework completely delirious. 

But isn't this pretty! This is what my mornings look like at 6:30am

It's been snowing up here non-stop for a few days now, so every time I go to work snow has lightly dusted the ground. What my camera doesn't show is it was in fact snowing. I kept instinctively squinting my eyes while I was walking to keep the snow out, but there was hardly enough falling for reason. This photo was Saturday.

Today on my way to work I ran across a new building on campus.

Yup. It's an igloo.

But like I said before, I'm on very little sleep right now. I've been consuming massive amounts of caffeine in the shapes of Earl Grey teas, espresso and iced mixtures of the two. I smell like coffee and taste like tea. I probably look like I died a few days ago though. I've also had this song stuck in my head since 6am this morning.

I wish I was kidding. 

It's catchy isn't it? I know because it's been on repeat in my head for the past 10 hours. I've been humming it too. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm Teddy and this is my Food and Travel blog (Foovel?) you are reading. Hi.
I'm currently a fourth year English major at Northern Arizona University. I'm a huge gamer and I'm constantly immersed in online culture, so writing for people online is the next step. Thus is why I'm writing this blog.
Majority of this blog will be covering local food and locations of Flagstaff, mostly to get me to try new things, but I'd like to try cooking that isn't my own.
A dual food and travel blog might not be the most original idea, but I think it'll be a lot of fun. Plus it gives me an excuse to eat really good food without feeling guilty about my wallets suffering.
Thanks for reading and enjoy!